What We Do

“Everything we do comes from who we are.”

— Amanda Oster


Our Mission

Lyra Ministries exists to help spiritual seekers, especially those with Christian backgrounds, navigate seasons of deconstruction and reconstruction with greater peace and freedom. We do this by creating content that resonates with what many say they feel during seasons of spiritual discontinuity. We also organize events and gatherings that are meant to be immersive, reflective, and open so that faith practitioners might have opportunities to fill the spiritual vacuums that sometimes exist in times of faith transition.

We want to . . .

  • help you (re)discover your spiritual center when everything else is coming untethered;

  • foster the kinds of conversations that help you feel comfortable asking the questions you do not feel you can ask elsewhere;

  • create spaces where you find comfort, confidence, and validation in expressing your doubts;

  • provide spiritual gatherings that help you experience the Divine in ways that are more conducive to your changing faith;

  • help you connect with others that are on a similar faith journey,

for you are not alone.

“Meaningful Religious experiences [are] shared through story and ritual in an attempt to enable other people to participate in a sense of the divine.”

— Diana Butler Bass, Christianity After Religion